Version 2021.4.0

Release notes - Carcare Development - Version 2021.4.0

This release enabled export functionality to lists and delivery dashboard. We implemented multi-select dropdowns on parking filter as well as delivery location filter. Improvements to the division administration was made to enable control over booking time intervals as well as the possibility to add breaks in the delivery schedule.

In the purchase analysis we brought forward the equipment to the first tab in the valuation overview to highlight them more.


CD-1158 History component – quicktests are sorted wrong order and on analysis you can only see latest test

CD-1155 Move delivery to new car after it has been moved to new division

CD-1147 Eurotransport pickup confirmation is missed

CD-1064 Error in coretags filter

CD-1048 Marking as advertised via WIP does not work consistent


CD-1156 Add delivery division as custom list column

CD-1152 Move centralItem to next station if hubItem gets archived and centralItem is still active on hubStation

CD-1146 Always allow moving delivey booking backwards in time if foresight allows it

CD-1116 Make delivery place on delivery dashboard multi select

CD-1111 Flip between hub and owning car and show if car has hub connection in quickview

CD-1105 Same quick view and custom columns on delivery dashboard as regular lists

CD-1082 Add configurable blocking times to delivery schedule

CD-1046 CQL datediff function

CD-1040 Display equipment packages more clear


CD-1151 Add timestamp to valuations on valuation tab

CD-1138 Add toggle to use delivery division in delivery dashboard

CD-1131 Implement export to excel on delivery dashboard

CD-1130 Open up export excel in lists (not statistics export)

CD-1122 Add quicktest and newcare purchase state as startpage option under my settings

CD-920 SS: Add purchasedAt date as an origin date

CD-919 Make arrivalEstimatedAt changeable

CD-808 Make parking dropdown multi select

CD-755 Same list on delivery dashboard as the rest of lists


CD-864 Create import configuration page (customized).

CD-537 Unable to add users with ÅÄÖ as first character in firstname or lastname

CD-488 Remove ShowroomTagChangeService

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