Version 2021.7.2

Release notes - Carcare Development - Version 2021.7.2

New menu to make it easier to quickly reach important stuff in Carcare. We have implemented a search function in the sellers dropdown so if you have many sellers, this will no longer be an issue – just start typing and the dropdown will filter names out. Select all and unselect all is present in multi select dropdowns like parking and delivery place.

Improvements has been made to the calendar view in flow state, stacking of stations in one row instead of many and also enabling better overview in day and week view.

We got a lot of feedback on the purchase analysis, much appreciated and now the changes are out. You can now see your currernt inventory of similar cars to the one you are evaluating. You are now able to directly from the search view, send the car to a central valuation group. That group can set the valuation inside the purchase analysis without the need of visiting the valuation tab inside the car.

Dynamic lists has been improved with the support of highlighting new items and showing the newest items at the top of the list.

And finally bug squashing – please continue to report if you notice anything strange, we appreciate every email.


CD-1238 Valuations from Wayke breaking

CD-1235 Changed purchasingSeller and sellingSeller does not change upon DMS change

CD-1221 When owning vehicle is moved and sold in the same transaction the station ordering breaks

CD-1220 Cancelled order in DMS does not clear customer fields

CD-1219 Editing main car does not update hub car

CD-1217 DivisionChange and sold in the change event causes double stations

CD-1216 Hub item flow finished sometimes throws exception

CD-1212 On advanced search, when selecting ’All’ or a region in the division select, reloading the browser breaks the filters

CD-1210 Delivery dashboard mobile design broken

CD-1209 List in Resting, Sold, Delivered do not remember the searches correctly

CD-1170 Not all fields is shown under car information

CD-1164 Purchase analysis: Month deduction field gets included multiple times

CD-1150 Purchase analysis should abort if wayke valuation contains null values


CD-1192 Same columns in dynamic lists, my settings and export

CD-1191 Rule for deliveryCancelled

CD-1179 Make seller fields searchable

CD-1178 Sort the ad list in purchase analysis

CD-1177 Make repair cost optional field in purchase analysis

CD-1175 Add car through purchase analysis start screen

CD-1168 Add quickinfo in printversion of delivery dashboard

CD-1166 Capitol letters in quicktest (regno)

CD-1165 Add delivering seller to quickview, custom lists and export

CD-1162 Stack all station on the same row in flow layout

CD-1089 Support waiting for station in filter count in flow

CD-1056 Service schedule colide with same checkup


CD-1215 Add trim packages to equip package tags row

CD-1200 Implement select all and unselect all on all multi-select dropdowns

CD-1196 1 minute frequenzy to dynamic lists auto-update + animation upon new addition

CD-1195 Add redirect url after manual adding car through wizard

CD-1140 View valuations from purchase analysis search

CD-1137 Move notes om purchase analysis so it is first tab and open by default

CD-1136 Implement valuations from regno in historic view

CD-1134 Set purchase price (manual valuation) om car from purchase analysis

CD-1132 Add current inventory to purchase analysis

CD-1125 Add show/download pdf instead of print quicktest and enable button in mobile

CD-1117 Purchase analysis model chart – all divisions with purchase analysis should be selectable

CD-1078 New menu to include purchase analysis

CD-1005 List related rules in rule_interaction list view


CD-1245 When a car is found to be advertised by WIP request, use todays date as advertisedAt if needed market data is missing

CD-1241 Move tags upon divisionChange

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